

Seeds continue to be utilised in his practice with outstanding results in the appropriately chosen patients. Generally, these patients are people with a low-risk prostate cancer, with minimal urinary symptoms, in middle-age, particularly those wanting a less invasive form of therapy and a very rapid recovery. Recently he did a review of his cases where […]

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Open Surgery Results

I continue to perform open radical prostatectomy in several situations. Firstly, where robotic prostatectomy is difficult to perform, such as a patient who has extensive adhesions. Robotic is also not the best option where the cancer is extremely extensive and tactile sensation is beneficial. Having performed over 3,500 open radical prostatectomies I have noticed that,

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Robotic Surgery

Results In my hands there is a 96.5% clearance rate in the eradication of early stage prostate cancers and 86% clearance rate in overall cancers. Continence Incontinence after surgery is a major concern shared by many patients. In my hands, 99% of patients gain near perfect continence after robot radical prostatectomy. Some patients due to

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